About Me / Contact Me

Hi everyone! My name is Pranav Bala, and I am a rising high school senior at New Albany High School in Ohio. I am super interested in engineering, helping others, athletics, personal life, and entrepreneurship. I orient my life and everything around me on these topics and ensure that I participate in events and projects to make this happen. This site was started to showcase some of the projects and activities I am working on and to have captivating discussions on topics like Engineering, Non-Profits, Personal Life, athletics, and Entrepreneurship simultaneously!

If you want even more info or just want to talk about some of the stuff I do, feel free to connect with me through my email, LinkedIn, or Instagram. (Links are embedded below)

Personal Email: pranavmb4@gmail.com

School Email: bala.1@napls.us

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/pranav-bala-415212213

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pranavballer/

My Reselling Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/goated_closet/

My Reselling eBay account: https://www.ebay.com/usr/goatedcloset

My non-profit's (Donate-It) Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/donateit0/

My non-profit's (Donate-It) website: https://donate-it.webnode.page/ or search donate-it.org in your browser

New Albany Rocketry Club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newalbanyrocketry/

Google Photos album for the New Albany Rocketry Club: https://photos.app.goo.gl/H2CQ53qGktK81FYW9

Google Photos album for the 2022 STEM Fest: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dB9Uh9p7exh87xgN6

Current Set-up

Main PC: coming soon...

iMac: coming soon...

MacBook Pro:  coming soon...

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