1 min read

The Beginning Of My 90 Days Fitness Journey

The Beginning Of My 90 Days Fitness Journey

Hey everyone! Today, I am starting my 90 fitness journey to see what is possible in 90 days. But I don't want to go at this alone; join me, and we can all reap the benefits of focused fitness. Here's the plan:

  1. WHEN: I want to plan out when I have time for workouts because I know that between school and my extracurricular activities, it will be hard to fit it in. I have to do my lifting portion of the workouts before I head to school because my cardio portion will be done during my team cross country practice right after school. I highly suggest you do this yourself, whether before work or school, because waking up earlier will give you more hours of productivity, and according to a study done by JAMA Psychiatry, it can also reduce the chance of getting depressive disorders.

2. WHAT:  My goals are to increase muscle mass but stay as lean as possible for track and cross country. This will involve lifting five days a week and running six days a week for practice. I also want to drop my cross country time, so I will put some focus into school practice as well.

3. FOOD: Food will be an essential part of my journey. Recently I have found myself feeling super tired and struggling to stay awake some days without much exercise. Part of this is because I wasn't eating right, so I wasn't getting the nutrients that I needed. I will focus on getting enough healthy calories, proteins, and carbs while diversifying what I eat so I don't get bored.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I plan to use this website to showcase what I like to do / what I am interested in, and I am open to discussing anything I post. I would love to connect with anyone who has something to talk about. If interested in contacting me, click HERE.